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Our Mission

Serving a large community of individuals with disabilities, I’m|possible works to fulfill our mission by creating events that encourage and promote inclusion. The events that we produce allow us to bring people of all abilities together to better understand and appreciate each other.

These events directly contribute to addressing our community’s needs by doing the following:

· Developing friendships

· Increasing social initiations, relationships and networks

​· Creating peer role models to improve social and behavioral skills

​· Increasing inclusion in future events

​· Creating a sense of pride and higher self-esteem​

· Getting families more integrated into the community

· Increasing appreciation and acceptance of individual differences

​· Increasing understanding and acceptance of diversity

​· Developing respect for all people

At I’m|possible Inc, our mission continues to be guided by our founding principles of diversity and inclusion with a special touch of fun.

Please take a moment to watch the below video clips:

·I'm|Possible -- Highlight Reel --

· I'm|possible - A Night of Fashion --

​- For additional information please visit our Facebook page at


Kelly Melerine and Ryan Wilson

I'm|Possible: About
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